When will it end? Just when we thought it was all over and that the Actors Guild would no longer be squatting in our church building, things have started up again! One would think that the Supreme Court of a country would have at least SOME power!! But in this case, a simple functionary's personal opinion and a lazy policeman have gummed up the works.
In December 2009, after the Supreme Court refused to hear further appeals from our squattes, the Odessa court finally sent all the papers, and an official from the court came to authorize the eviction of the Actors from our building! We were so hopeful.
However, you just never know what will happen in Ukraine -- a needed policeman didn't show up, and the very court official went back to the court and gave his opinion that the Actors needed "more time" to remove their library! (WHAT?! They've already had TEN YEARS to do so!) So, things have begun again. In the meantime, due to this totally unauthorized, illegal, and corrupt action by the courts of Ukraine, we hear that the Actors are trying to stir up action again against us and to challenge our ownership once again. When will it end? Please keep praying.
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The Kotovskogo Church of North Odessa is moving into a new home this week (Feb. 1st), after being put out on the street in September. They will be sharing an office / worship room with a local photographer. Pray as they make the transition from the pastor's cramped living room and seek help with funds.
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REJOICE that the squatters in our Odessa church building are supposed to be put out on December 9th by the police, after our 9 year legal battle where the squatters contested our ownership, slandered us in the media, refused to pay their own utilities, paid no rent, and denied our rights all the way to the Supreme Court. All this has cost thousands of the church's funds. Perhaps this will soon be behind us, and we will finally have Sunday School rooms for our activities! Pray for a peaceful exit on Wednesday!
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It sometimes seems that law & order are elusive qualities in Ukraine. The Odessa church building ground floor is still inhabited by squatters, and some new things are stirring. Pastor Babuinin has been asked to do a TV interview this week, and we don't even know why. Please continue to follow this in prayer, until the Lord shows His answer to this drama.
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The Kotovskogo church plant of the Odessa church has been meeting for a year in a rented hall in the North part of town – in an area of 300,000 people! In spite of all that, there are VERY few places a church can meet! Even the Orthodox church has had to build new churches in the area. Our church had a group living in the area, commuting almost an hour to our downtown Odessa church. Pastor George decided it was ripe for a church plant, and began the group. After meeting in one place and another, they finally found two small rooms behind a supermarket where they could squeeze in a maximum of 40 people. It was unfinished, so the owner agreed that in lieu of 2 years’ rent, we could refurbish the place, which we did. Now that the repair is done, he’s now going back on his word, and the church, with no prior notice, has no place to meet! All this happened while Pastor George was on a mission trip to Russia. So, seminary student Andrei Nabatov is the assistant to pastor George and must deal with this on his own. What a lot to fall on his shoulders! Please pray for them.
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