Clay’s book on Spiritual Gifts was just released in Russian by TULIP Publishers of Odessa. Its English title is “Re-forming our Spiritual Gifts” and the Russian title is “Tools of the Spirit: A New Look at Spiritual Gifts.” Clay has been using this material in ERSU seminary classes for several years, and decided to put it in book form to make it more widely useful in the Church. It is based on a fresh examination of the biblical texts from a Reformed standpoint, rather than simply reworking other commonly-available models. Many of the current models begin from a Charismatic bias. This book is designed, however, so that any Christian can use the model according to their understanding of Scripture, their theology and church tradition. Here is the ad on their site:
Орудия Духа. Клей Квартерман
Новинка! Скоро в продаже!
В книге «Орудия духа» автор достаточно подробно объясняет, в чем состоит каждый духовный дар, и проводит различие между должностями, дарами и способностями. Эта книга предназначена разным читателям разных конфессий.
Реформатские читатели будут особенно рады узнать, что в книге отражен Кальвинов подход функциональной эквивалентности к духовным дарам.
Остальные читатели найдут для себя полезным сравнение данного похода с другими трактовками.
«Проведенный заново анализ библейских текстов, свидетельствует о том, что дары Божьи являются главным источником нашего возрастания в святости и единстве. Если мы пренебрегаем ими, мы пренебрегаем тем самым средствами, которые даровал Бог для нашего возрастания» - Клэй Квартерман.
Russian only (Not yet published in English):
Tools of the Spirit: A New Look at Spiritual Gifts (Odessa: Tulip Publishers, 2011) by Clay Quarterman
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Arkady Nikolaevich was an elderly gentleman in our church. He had worked in the Soviet military and secret service, but he came to faith in Jesus Christ and joined our church – a fruit of the Soup Kitchen Ministry our church had for many years. He loved to ride horses and he spoke German whenever he could find a likely foreigner.
Arkady’s service was distinctive in the honor he paid the Lord. After he took up the offering each Sunday, he would march up to the front of the church and click his heels in salute as he placed the collection box on the Lord’s Table. It was a precious and sincere honor to his Lord.
Arkady died on July 14th at age 82. He had been sick for a while, but he requested a service and meal at our church in his memory. This is not a Ukrainian custom, so it was a unique event, and his daughter attended. It was very special and he was a very special man, now in the presence of his Lord Jesus. We will miss him.
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Thanks for praying! Presbytery went well, and important decisions were made. We decided to hold the first Ukrainian Presbyterian Missions Conference in October. ERSU Seminary graduate Kolya Koretsky was examined and approved for ordination. Another seminary student, Alexei Travnikov, was examined and approved for an internship in Kyiv.
The Rodnik Counseling Center is going to move into the ground floor that was finally vacated by the Actors Guild. We are excited about the possibilities this will bring, but they badly need support. Could you consider supporting? They will be running projects for orphans, autistic children, troubled families, etc. Donations for these Humanitarian Aid Projects can be made via MTW:
For Renovation of the Ground Floor of the building, send donations to MTW for:
#95990 UKR - Odessa Church Building
For the Center’s Humanitarian Aid projects, send donations to MTW for:
#95969 UKR - Odessa Humanitarian Aid
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The “Odessa Springs” Counseling Center remodeled their new offices in the ground floor of the church building – the very part that was finally vacated a year ago by the Actors Guild. The Counseling Center moved in at the end of June. A new project is also developing with Erika, the former director of the center, who is developing mentoring and group training in life skills. Another room of the ground floor needs remodeling to house this new ministry, making this office space usable. They continue to need funds. Many Christians TALK about supporting nationals, but we need ACTION. Both of these great ministries are trying to become self-supporting, but they need start-up funding! -- both One-time outfitting and ongoing support. Could you consider supporting these NATIONALLY-LED ministries? Can you tell someone about it? Will you pray? They are running projects for orphans, autistic children, troubled families, as well as for people in the church. Write us with your questions: CQmission (at) yahoo . com Donations for these Humanitarian Aid Projects can be made via MTW: For Renovation of the Ground Floor of the building, send donations to MTW for: For the Center’s Humanitarian Aid projects, send donations to MTW for: |
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"Pray for Presbytery!" How often do you hear that? Our upcoming meeting on April 6-7, 2011, will deal with many significant issues, but some are LANDMARK moments in the growth of the church in Ukraine. I want you to pray for some of them in particular:
1) Growth: The Church Planting committee is proposing a system for assimilating independent churches and pastors who have become Reformed and want to join our church. This is important for our growth, when many churches that becamse independent in the 1990s are just beginning to realize that it is hard to be all alone and that Christ calls us to unity.
2) Self-Leadership: Several men are coming before Presbytery for licensure and ORDINATION! This is the "output" of seminary, and the key to expansion!
3) Self-Finance: It is also being proposed that the denomination create a MISSION FUND and a committee to organize mission work! They want to send missionaries to Ukraine and abroad!
This is what we seek -- a mature church in partnership with other churches for a Church-planting Movement--to live out the Gospel and spread the Kingdom of God!
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