Clay will be traveling this week from Ukraine to the Netherlands for a conference of European Reformed Churches. He will be representing our seminary, in which we work closely with the Dutch Reformed Church (RCNl). Pray for this important time of fellowship and cooperation among European Christian leaders!
Darlene is staying home, helping with our Odessa leadership conference, where the speaker is Phillip Ryken, pastor of 10th Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia.
Clay will be back in Odessa for the weekend, then flies off to Bulgaria for another week! All work, no play. :( Your prayers are appreciated -- not only for endurance, but for the Lord to bless our labors with fruit for his Kingdom.
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PTL for answered Prayer-- we received 5 new students in Seminary in September! They come from Zhitomir, the Carpathian Mountains, and the country of Belarus! We also have 5 students applying from our Presbyterian churches in Odessa region.
We'll be travelling all fall -- and occasionally at home in Odessa!--2 weeks in Kyiv, 1 week home, 1 week in Lviv (western Ukraine), 1 week in the Carpathian Mountains, 1 week back at seminary in Kyiv, 1 week home!, then Clay is away again on separate trips to Holland, Bulgaria, and Russia! Whew! Pray for us to stay sane!
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Prayer Needs for July 2008:
- We urgently need more Students for our Seminary. Pray for the Lord to send the right people!
- PTL that the dedication Service of the new building in Belgorod-Dnestrovsky went well. Clay preached on "Blessing and Cursing" from Joshua 8, and... it was a great blessing! Larry Roff was present with a very special choir from the USA.
- Pray for several visiting Summer Teams. Clay is Acting Team Leader this summer, while Bob Burnham is on Home Ministry Assignment. We praise the Lord for Sharon Bain, a Russian professor at Bryn Mawr, who is helping out with logistics as a summer intern.
- PTL that things have calmed down a bit with the Boards of Directors with whom Clay serves. We dealt with many difficult matters, but we've seen progress and unity. Your prayers will make a difference!
- Darlene’s trip to the States went well, and she and Irina were there for our granddaughter Kendra’s 1st birthday!
- PRAISE GOD for the Nationalization of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Ukraine on April 16th! After 14 years of work, this church is on its own -- with 11 churches and 11 trained and ordained national pastors! Hallelujah! Clay presented a slideshow of the History of the Church (YOU can download it if you SIGN IN and go to Letters 'n Docs). Visitors have come from all over Ukraine, Bulgaria, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Uzbekistan, Birmingham, and Atlanta.
- Thanks for prayers for Clay's seminary site, which had been HACKED. This theft took away from other needed tasks, but many needed changes were made along the way, and it is now more secure.
- PRAISE that the Counseling and Business Centers are doing well in their new joint office.
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