Here's our regular Q Family News -- a quick rundown on us and our family. Our PICTURES are on our PHOTO site, where you can find Albums of family and ministry, and you don't even have to log in! Click here and Enjoy!-->
With all our children and two grandchildren now living in the States, and without even any pets in our home, we are definitely feeling the Empty Nest. But it's not all bad! We are SO thankful for today's technology, that allows us to keep up with friends and family! And we're still finding time to spend together, although we're both quite busy in many forms of service -- in church, seminary, presbytery, counseling center, publishing house, etc.
We're looking forward to the Christmas season, when our youngest son Lex (age 21) will be home for his holiday break from Belhaven University. May the Lord make your season and ours bright -- not only in the common joys of festive celebration, but in the unchanging Joy of the Eternal One who revealed eternal Grace in the manger of Bethlehem. Our sins are removed for FREE! Hallelujah!
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Darlene and Clay had a nice two-week vacation in the States with family. It included home movies with Clay's siblings and parents, visting our home church, a birthday dinner for Darlene, babysitting our granddaughters Kendra (2 years) and Rivka (1 month), lawnmower repair, sorting and warehousing our goods in storage, moving our youngest son back into college, so it was a busy time. But we topped off our vacation with a half-day in downtown London.
On return, we've been busy setting up Darlene to take over the bookkeeping for 12 church sites and projects, as well as Clay's preparations to teach next week, hosting various team functions, and helping some teammates get ready to leave the field. But we've had time to enjoy some strolls and concerts in the marvellous summer weather of Odessa! Now, back to work!
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Happy birthday to Rivka, who arrived today in Jackson MS at almost 8 lb.!
And congratulations to the happy parents, Nate & Malaika Q, and to her
older sister, 2-yr-old Kendra.
That makes TWO grandbabies for "Grandy" Darlene & "Q"!!
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Q Fam News Jan09
Since we were so busy and traveling over the holidays, we had little personal time with the family. But the Lord is providing us with a Second Christmas! (Actually, it is a THIRD Christmas, since we also celebrate the Orthodox date of January 7th!) We are going to be in Jackson, MS, during February for a number of conferences, so we're flying Matt & Erin down for a family Christmas get-together, presents and all!
We were also given some good news by our son Nate -- he and Malaika are expecting again!! So, we have another "little q" on the way! PTL for the blessings of the covenant.
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