Here's our regular Q Family News -- a quick rundown on us and our family. Our PICTURES are on our PHOTO site, where you can find Albums of family and ministry, and you don't even have to log in! Click here and Enjoy!-->
Since Lex was graduating from Belhaven in May, we flew back to the States and got together in Seattle for a family vacation with our kids. Sadly, Ty and Irene couldn’t join us, but it was refreshing and fun – especially seeing our granddaughters at ages 2 & 4. Nate also finished his MBA at Belhaven, and Malaika also passed her exams and got a job teaching Drama in a magnet school of the Arts in Jackson. Erin continues with her Masters program, and Matt’s band released a new album.
After two weeks at seminary, Clay was glad to get back home to Odessa for a month. But we had to leave again in July for a visa renewal trip to Turkey. It’s been a year of busy travel!
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Our son Matt’s best friend Raudy Steele (son of PCA pastor Randy Steele) died suddenly at the age of 30. Matt flew to Albuquerque for the funeral. It is a grim reminder of the tenacity of life – but also a reminder of the precious value and comfort of the Gospel.
It was nice to be home for a bit in Feb, but then Clay was off for over a month of travel in Kyiv, Holland, and Scotland – followed by trips within Ukraine for Presbytery, team meetings, and seminary tutorials. Whew! He’s home now for 10 days, and it seems strange for him not to be living out of a suitcase!
We leave again on April 28th for several weeks of vacation in the States, seeing family and attending Lex’s college graduation from Belhaven. As soon as Clay returns, he’s off again for seminary. It never seems to stop. But we are thankful all of our travel has been productive, safe, and blessed.
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Clay's father's funeral was a glorious celebration of our hope in the Gospel, as well as a wonderful reunion with family and friends. Clay was grateful to take part in the ceremony, and thankful for the pastors and elders of First Pres of Jackson for their support. It was a great blessing. Clay's mom is thankful along with us for the tremendous support and love shown to us all. We had friends from Ukraine drive in from Florida, Dallas, Indiana, and Nebraska! It was truly amazing.
Our son Ty is moving across town in Hampton, Virginia, from their apartment into a small house. We are thankful they could find a place to rent, freeing them from very troublesome neighbors. Irene has also found a new job, so we pray she can get her driver's license soon to help their transportation situation. We are also thankful for answered prayers about her paperwork. A recent trip to Washington D.C. seems to have resolved things with the Ukrainian embassy.
Our son Lex is spending this semester in Los Angeles, studying film and working in an internship at a talent agency. Wonderful opportunities for work experience! He graduates from Belhaven in April.
We have greatly enjoyed being back home for a few weeks -- in Odessa, that is. It seems like we've been on the run for a full year, and it's nice not to be living out of a suitcase for awhile! (But Clay leaves again in 2 weeks...)
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Clay's Father just passed away on January 18th - just 5 days after his 91st birthday. Clay was in Kyiv when he got the news, and he is leaving the Kyiv seminary session a day early to get back to Mississippi in time for the funeral. It appears he and Darlene will be flying back on the same fights with RTS Professor Guy Waters, who was also teaching for ERSU seminary in Kyiv.
Clay is thankful that his father was a believer, as are most family members, so there is every comfort in the Gospel, and they are looking for a wonderful reunion of the family and celebration of Palmer's life. Clay is also thankful that he was able to speak with his father a few days before his passing, and he was enjoying his favorite foods and the family who had gathered for his birthday. The family would welcome your prayers as they travel from great distances.
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I suppose the virgin Mary would have said she was having a tough time on that very first Christmas. I'm sure Joseph was really upset when he drew the family donkey up to the inn in Bethlehem and found there was no room. Life is tough.
This year has been really tough for our family, and it's still going out in a hailstorm. This year, my parents moved into a retirement home in June, we put their house of 50 years on the market, and then my older sister died of cancer, Dad's left leg had to be amputated in September, and now...
Dad's other leg had to be amputated yesterday! If that's not enough, Dad will be in a nursing home and Mom has to move again to a different apartment between Christmas and New Year!
Praise God, our son Lex got here from college before the worst weather hit Europe -- but it took him 4 days of air travel! His bag didn't make it, though -- we're still waiting after 5 days. We also had a full day this week without electricity or heat.
Yes, life can be tough!
But, Oh, how GREAT a Saviour we have, who is tougher still -- who came into this "world of woe" to conquer death and sin and all Evil -- so that someday, Life will NOT be tough!
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