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ERSU is the Evangelical Reformed Seminary of Ukraine, a ministry of the Union of Reformed Churches of Ukraine. 

Clay is President of ERSU Seminary -- the Evangelical Reformed Seminary of Ukraine.
ERSU has been in operation since 2000, although seminary training was begun by its predecessors in the mid-1990's. We keep current English news here, but ERSU has its own site at this address:

Here's our regular Q Family News -- a quick rundown on us and our family. Our PICTURES are on our PHOTO site, where you can find Albums of family and ministry, and you don't even have to log in! Click here and Enjoy!-->

Here are our latest Prayer Requests. Here's where we post our LATEST Prayer Needs and Praises. THANK YOU for standing with us. God is good. - Clay & Darlene in Odessa

We helped start the Odessa church, and we still attend there and take part, even though it is now an organized national church. We help in many ways -- here's the Latest Church News from Odessa!

The latest news from us, our Team, and our ministry
Past news of the Q's, prayer requests, etc. still need to be available for reference.

Giving is a way of sharing in God's grace. We savour the joy with those who receive, enjoying the gifts of our Gracious God! -- Here are some creative ways you can GIVE!!