Master of Divinity Program
The Master of Divinity is the primary degree offered by the Evangelical Reformed Seminary
of Ukraine. This graduate-level program is designed to equip students to serve well as church-
planters and pastors throughout Ukraine and in other Eastern European countries.
Master of Divinity – Curriculum
Biblical Studies
LT100 Hebrew I 3
LT102 Greek I 3
LT103 Greek II 3
BI210 Biblical Interpretation 3
BI211 Biblical Theology/Covenant 3
OT310 Pentateuch 3
OT311 Joshua-Esther 3
OT312 Poetry and Wisdom 3
OT313 Prophets 3
NT410 Gospels 3
NT411 Acts and Pauline Epistles 3
NT412 General Epistles and Revelation 3
36 Credits
Church History
CH510 Early Church – 1100 3
CH511 1100-1700 Eastern and Western 3
CH512 1700-Present Eastern and Western 3
9 Credits
Systematic Theology
ST610 Revelation and Reform Doctrine 3
ST611 God, Man, and Sin 3
ST612 Christ and Salvation 3
ST613 Holy Spirit, Church, and Eschatology 3
ST614 Ethics: Introduction and Cases 3
15 Credits
Practical Theology
PT710 Church, Ministry, and Christian Education 3
PT711 Communication and Leadership 2
PT712 Evangelism and Apologetics 3
PT713 Homiletics 3
PT714 Worship – Private and Corporate 2
PT715 Faith Culture and Society 2
PT716 Mission, Church Planting, Ch. Growth 3
PT717 Counseling and Pastoral Care 3
PT718 Homiletics Practicum 1
22 Credits
Electives 9 Credits, chosen from:
LT101 Hebrew II 3
PT724 Spiritual Growth 2
ST620 Contemp. Ethics and the 10 Commandments 2
ST621 Contemp. Theology and the Cults 2
ST622 Sanctification and Sonship 2
PT720 History of Missions 2
PT721 Discipleship and Mentoring 2
PT722 Small Group Ministry in the Church 2
PT723 Advanced Homiletics 2
(Electives in the M. Div. program may be selected from
any area of the curriculum and are not limited to those
courses listed in the elective section.)
Total Minimum Credit Hours 90
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