(last update: February 1, 2007)
Pray for our new Biblical Studies Program. We are seeking new students, and schools around Ukraine are reporting a drop in enrollment. The program is called "Christian Sources" because we are seeking as teh Reformers to return "ad fontes" -- going back to the original sources of our Christian Faith, rather than relying on traditions. Pray for our newest students, who are working people who struggle to find time and to get into new habits of study.
Valera Zadorozhny, a Presbyterian pastor in Odessa, has been assisting in ERSU. He recently enrolled in an advanced program in St. Petersburg, in preparation for further teaching in ERSU. Pray for finances and for progress in his study.
We continue to seek a Dean of Students after the departure of Rod Gorter, who took a position at Dordt College. We are thankful for pastors and missionaries who are looking after our students in the meantime.
Praise God! We have finally moved into our new STUDY CENTER!!! Look at the pictures on our Pictures page!
We also praise God for several more students who graduated this fall. See pictures of Convocation on our Pictures page, and give God the glory for more workers in the Harvest!
(update: June 28, 2006)
Pray for student Artyom Bedarev, a Presbyterian church planter in Kiev, whose infant daughter contracted cancer of the kidney and has been undergoing chemotherapy. She came near death in May, but the Lord granted deliverance.
Prof. Klaas Jager was to teach our course on Communication in June, but he developed some serious health problems in May. Please pray for his rapid recovery, and thank the Lord for His care.
Pray for financial provision for the fall, since not only do many new students need stipends, but many present students need supplements as housing and living expenses are rising in Ukraine.
Pray for our new Biblical Studies Program starting in fall 2006.
Praise God for His provision of our New Building!!
(update: Sept. 18, 2003) Financial support of the seminary is crucial, as well as student support. We have very few supporters, and increasing requests for help. We are thankful for the partnership of the Dutch Reformed Congregations (liberated/Hattem). They continue to supply significant assistance to ERSU. Dr. Marten Nap and wife Janneke moved from Kiev back to Holland, but he continues to support the work in Ukraine by driving across Europe several times a year. Marten was replaced in Ukraine by Jos Colijn, a very able educator and professor of church history and theology, who is now our Academic Dean. ERSU is a full member of the Euro-Asian Accreditation Association (EAAA). Pray as we continue the long process toward accreditation. The seminary was granted legal status in March, 2003. Praise God for this important landmark. The students hold an annual cookout by the river to celebrate the seminary's anniversary. In 2001, they honored the Faculty with a glorious caricature by student Valera B. of Odessa. It now hangs in our new office in Kiev. In 2002, they outdid themselves with elaborate skits, including a portrait of the seminary president, whom they honored as a Vladimir Lenin look-alike. Library materials and books for the students are the raw materials for their work. Praise God for a recent sizable donation, and pray for the process of purchase and processing. Our Kiev and Odessa libraries have been transferred to the Dewey Decimal system, with thanks to our secretarial staff and visiting missionary Susan Wood of the Presbyterian Church in Portugal. Students from the following cities are Preparing for Service: N.Ukraine: Rovno, Kiev, Stepan S.Ukraine: Izmail, Odessa, Vilkovo, Simferopol (Crimea) E.Ukraine: Nikolaev, Kharkov, Kherson, Dnepropetrovsk W.Ukraine: Lviv, Mukechevo Belarus: Minsk
ANSWERS TO PRAYER:Monthly tutorials held in Kiev and Odessa. Current courses completed: Prophets, Hebrew, Small Groups, and Systematic Theology. We planned for 7 new students in fall, 2002, and we received 17, almost DOUBLING our student body! In addition, 7 more new students entered in fall, 2003! Our present total is 42 students. The fall Convocation was well attended, and a conference for student wives saw the enthusiastic participation of 20 wives and fiancees. This has become an annual event.