TULIP has wanted to buy a “duplicator” printing press for several years, but it costs around $10,000. We received gifts for $1,050 and it continues to be in great need – especially for EVANGLISM materials! A book on evangelism has been written by one of our Presbyterian elders, and we need this press to provide the materials as the program is developed for use in local churches. Local pastors added that they also need small runs of evangelistic brochures and tracts, church-planting programs, and educational materials that remain out of print until such a press can become cost-effective.  

Tax-free donations may be made here:   Ukraine: Materials Translation (95982) - /Printing Press/

Recent Publications in process include:  Keep a Quiet Heart (Elliot), Power Encounters (Powlison), How People Change (Tripp), Competent to Counsel (Adams), Insight and Creativity (Adams)

Is there a book you would like to see available in Russian? TULIP continues to seek private orders, as well, and has translated, published, and distributed these Russian books in Israel and the USA, among other countries. These books can be a wonderful tool with emigrants and foreign students, or as a gift to the Russian-speaking national churches you may support.

One of the ongoing projects is the “Reformed Hymns” project, seeking to provide an overview and examples of Reformed hymnology through the centuries, translated into Russian.

TULIP is also developing its online Bookstore. You can visit it (or SHARE it) here: http://www.tulip.org.ua/    SHARE this link on Facebook with your Russian friends!