Help Publish a Christian book worldwide!! – cost: $5,000
We NEED good Reformed literature in Ukraine for the growth of the Church! And now we have TWO Reformed Christian publishers working in Ukraine!
TULIP works mostly with Russian materials, and
KRAYNEBO works exclusively with Ukrainian language materials.
TULIP publishing was started in the 1990s by MTW missionaries in Ukraine, to provide Reformed literature for the new church planting movement in Eastern Europe. They need money to pay translators and to print and distribute Christian literature for readers of Russian and Ukrainian all over the world!! They even partner with Dutch and American missions to distribute to Russia & Israel!
Previous Projects:
- Berkhoff, Manual of Christian Doctrine
- Christianity Explored (evangelistic materials)
- Welch, Running Scared
- Tripp, Relationships: A Mess Worth Making
- - etc. (Write for current titles!)
Publishing projects include:
- Bible studies
- Booklets
- Videos
- Sunda
- y school materials
- MusicArticles & resources
Donate to MTW for these projects: