5 Niece’s wedding in Tuscaloosa AL
6 Birmingham AL (Cahaba) / Prattville AL
7 Birmingham – open house for Ukraine
8 Jackson MS - medical
9 Louisville MS (First PCA)
13 Newton MS / Matherville MS
16 Greenville MS
20 Picayune MS / Warrington PCA Pensacola FL
23 Ft. Walton FL
25 Murrah High School 40th reunion, Jackson MS
27 Madison MS (Highlands) / Trinity Jackson MS
29-July 2 General Assembly, Nashville TN
4 Chattanooga TN (Brainerd Hills) / Huntsville AL (Westminster)
6 Johnson City TN
7 Dillingham NC
9-11 MTW Reentry Conference, Ridge Haven NC
11 Greer SC (Fellowship)
12-17 Rosman NC, MTW Summer Conference
14 Brevard, NC (Cornerstone)
18 Blacksburg VA / Roanoke VA
21 Pittsburgh PA (Providence, McKees Rock)
25 Schenectady NY / W. Springfield MA
28 W. Hartford CT
1 Philadelphia PA (Tenth) / Baltimore MD (Loch Raven)
4 Williamsburg VA
6 Goldsboro NC
8 Lexington SC / Augusta GA (Christ Church)
11 Savannah GA (Chapel)
15 Atlanta GA (Ingleside / Midway)
18 Montgomery AL (Trinity)
19 Jackson MS – family Birthday party
20 Drive to Dallas, TX
22 Albuquerque NM
25 Dallas TX (PCPC)
29 Austin TX (CrossPointe)
1 Jackson MS
5 Mississippi churches
9 Fly to Virginia
11 fly back to Ukraine
13 Kyiv Ukraine - ERSU Seminary session
18 ERSU Tenth Anniversary and Graduation