War Journal Student at the Front

Ukraine continues her struggle for Freedom; it is a time of nation-building. Refugees, chaplains, and counselors are telling us that many Christian Pacifists are ending up in this war, and they are struggling to connect their duty to country and family with their theology. So, ERSU Seminary dedicated the FIRST ISSUE of its new Journal to this, and Clay contributed “Christian Ministry in Time of War”. The journal is called Реформатский взгляд (“Reformed Worldview”).

Please share the link with Russian and Ukrainian friends:  www.journal.ersu.org

Several articles are available in English:

During WWII, C. S. Lewis brought perspective to the British people. “In his sermon, ‘Learning in Wartime,’ C.S. Lewis ...suggests that War brings the inevitability of death into focus. It helps us to see life in light of an end which has always been there but which we may be too easily inclined to ignore.” (http://maloneccfc.com/theology-in-wartime-c-s-lewis-et-al/ )

 Whatever the outcome of the present conflict, the only real hope for Ukraine is in Jesus! This is a day of opportunity!     #Pray4Ukraine