Resident Faculty in Ukraine
Dr. Clay Quarterman, President - Missions, Ecclesiology, Practical Theology Ph.D., U.Wales (Lampeter), 2005; B.A., Belhaven College, 1974; M.Div., Reformed Theol. Seminary, 1977; D. Min., Reformed Theol. Seminary, 1986. Assoc. Prof. of GEM Bible Institute, Tojal, Portugal, 1980-1993; Prof. of Odessa Presbyterian Seminary, 1997-1999. Church planter 1979-2003. Teaching elder of Mississippi Valley Presbytery, PCA, since 1978. President, ERSU, 1999-.
Rev. Jos Colijn, Academic Dean - Church History, Systematic Theology D.R.S., University of the Reformed Churches (liberated), Kampen, Holland, 1990; B.A., Utrecht, 1983. M.A. Utrecht, 1983. Guest lecturer, 1992-1996, Oradia, Romania, Religious Teacher Training Institute (Sulyok Istvan). Guest lecturer, 1992-1996, Debritzen Seminary, Hungary. Guest lecturer, 1992-1996, Mission School of Zacarpathia, Ukraine. Pastor in Isselmuiden, Netherlands, 1997-2001. Missionary pastor for the UERC and Dutch Reformed mission in Ukraine, 2000-. Member of the Reformed Church of the Netherlands (liberated). Academic Dean, ERSU, 2001-.
Rev. Scott Andes, Dir. of Student Affairs M.Th. (Cand.), Univ. of Wales. M.Div., Missionary to Moscow, then Central Asia. Teaching elder of Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. Dean of Student Affairs, ERSU, 2008-.
Rev. Eric Huber, Adjunct Staff - Covenant and Devotional Life M.Div., Chesapeake Theol. Seminary, 1997; B.A., Univ. Maryland, 1987. Assoc. Prof. of Chesapeake Theol. Seminary. Teaching elder of Potomac Presbytery, PCA, 1989-. Dean of Students, ERSU, 1999-2003.
Adjunct Resident Faculty
Pastor Andrei Dilyuk M.Div., Evangelical Reformed Seminary of Ukraine, 2007. Pastor of Reformed Church of Minsk, Belarus. Instructor in biblical languages (Hebrew and Greek).
Rev. Mel Pike M.Div., Reformed Theol. Seminary, 1977. Assoc. Prof. of Mid-America Theo. Sem., 1993-6; Pastor, Littleton, Colo.; Church-planting Team Leader, Kherson, Ukraine, 2001-2003. Teaching elder of Rocky Mountain Presbytery, PCA. Adjunct Prof. of ERSU Seminary, 2000-.
Natasha Turovskaya M.A. in Linguistics, Kyiv, Ukraine. Simultaneous Interpreter and Instructor in English and Russian languages.
Previous Faculty
Rev. Rod Gorter Th.M., Calvin Theol. Seminary, 1998; B.A. in Psychology, Dordt College, 1983; MAR, Westminster Theol. Seminary in Calif., 1985; M.Div., 1986. Pastor, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 1988-92; Pastor, Worthington, MN, 1992-97. Prof. of Odessa Presbyterian Seminary, 1998-2000. Minister of the Christian Reformed Church, serving with International Theological Education Mission (ITEM). ERSU Board Member, 1999-2003. Dean of Students, ERSU, 2003-2006
Visiting Faculty
Non-resident Faculty travel to Ukraine from various Reformed seminaries in the United States, Holland, Canada, South Africa, and Scotland. Local Ukrainian resources are utilized to the maximum extent. Classes have occasionally been held concurrently with our sister school, Ukraine Biblical Seminary.
Paul Alexander, PCA - Homiletics Jerram Barrs, Covenant Sem. - Evangelism & Apologetics Gary Bekker, CRC World Missions -Ecclesiology & Chr. Ed Al Bezuyen, United Ref. Church, Canada - Sys. Theol. Clair Davis, Westminster Sem. - Church History Walter Elwell, Trinity Sem. (TEDS) - Gospels Lambert Floor, Rep. S. Africa - Acts & Pauline Epistles Gerrit Glas, - Ethics Mark Vander Hart, - Systematics Stephen Hague - Gospels Langston Haygood, PCA - Counseling Rob van Houwelingen - Epistles & Revelation Klaas Jager, Holland - Communications Henk van de Kamp - Epistles & Revelation Peter van de Kamp - Homiletics Wayne Kobes - Joshua-Esther Roel Kuiper, Zwolle, Holland - Faith, Culture & Soc. Bob Lynn - Ethics, Culture & Society, Spirituality George Omerley, Peru - Pentateuch Drew Parlee, - Systematics intro. Mel Pike, PCA - Hebrew Alexander Pronin, Donetsk - Biblical Languages Duncan Rankin, RTS - Eschatology Kees de Ruijter - Communications, Homiletics Larry Roff, Knox Sem. - Worship & Music Wolter Rose, Univ. Hattem - Hebrew Tom Saxon - Worship & Music William H. Smith, PCA - Christology Dal Stanton, PCA - Ch. Planting Will Traub, PCA - Systematics Willem VanGemeren, Trinity (TEDS) - Pentateuch, Prophets Venema - Systematics 611 Bob Vuijk, - Greek Steve Williams, Austria - Counseling
Occasional Lecturers
There is the occasional opportunity to use visiting professors for less than a complete course, or of exposure of the students to local lecturers in their specialty areas. These have included the following:
Tatyana Balabushevich, Kyiv Mogilyanskaya Academy Janet Gray, St. Louis - Research method Will Gray - Research method Ron Harris, Kiev Family Institute Ellison and Elizabeth Smith, Budgeting and Finances Doug Stelzig, Rep. S. Africa Susan Wood, IBP, Tojal, Portugal - Library Science
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